
Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto, Sapienza Università di Roma

Via del castro laurenziano 9, 00161 Roma

Maurizio Franzini

Exam dates

Monday, June 17th

Monday, Jult 15th

Monday, September 9 -  at 11.30 in Aula 1D (6th floor- Ala D)

Registration on Infostud will open one week before 


Lectures will start on Monday, February  19th  2024 at 12 a.m.

Lectures will be held according to the following schedule: 

 Monday, 12-14 a.m. -  Aula Sergio  Steve (5th floor of the Economics Faculty  Building)

Tuesday, 12-14 a.m.  - Auletta di Lingue - A (4th floor of the Economics Faculty  Building)

Wednesday 12-14  a.m.- Auletta di Lingue - A (4th floor of the Economics Faculty  Building)

Students are requested to register to the course by sending an email (  where they state  ‘I register to the Course of Economics of Institutions"

Structure of th Course


Introduction: Institutions and the working of the economic system.

Social Interactions and Institutional Design.

The Self-Organization of Economic Life.

Preferences and Behaviour.

Coordination Failures and Institutional Responses

Decentralized coordination.

Contracts, Norms and Power.

Employment, Unemployment and Wages

Credit market and Wealth contraints

Institutions and recent social and economic problems.


S. Bowles, Microeconomics - Behaviour, institutions and evolutions, Princeton University Press 2004;  (Prologue, Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8,9). Further specific readings will be provided during the lectures.


Objective of the Course

The Course  has the objective of introducing the students to that branch of research in microeconomic analysis which addresses real world problems and make use of analytical tools and conceptual assumptions foreign to the traditional microeconomic approach. In particular, the student, through the analysys of several models, will learn how important institutions are and in which ways they can influence the working of the economic system.


Registration  to the course

Students are requested to register to the course by sending an email (  where they state  ‘I register to the Course of Economics of Institutions’.




The exam consists in a written test with four broad questions out of which the students have to choose three to answer

To be admitted to take the exam, students are required to register on the Infostud System about one week before the date of the exam.

The result of the exam will be released on the website about one week after the test.



Students who wish to contact me for explanations and clarifications can write to me at my email address.